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How to Buy a Certified Diamond Online

Purchasing a diamond online is the most cost effective way to shop, however you must take a few simple steps. I have listed four steps here which should ensure a positive shopping experience. Step One - you must purchase from some one qualified to know what they are doing. There are many imitations, treatments and synthetics out there which are very difficult to recognise.

A person with limited knowledge could easily be the victim of fraud them selves and unwittingly pass this on to you. The best way to separate them is to only look at websites which have a huge diamond inventory. For them to access this stock they must have good trade connections. This generally means they are well established in the industry. Many also offer a 30day money back guarantee. Typically the website would ask for you to enter details like the colour, clarity, shape, and sometimes even the type of certificate and quality of cut.

Once you enter these details you are instantly presented with sometimes hundreds of diamonds to choose from. Step Two - The diamond must be fully certified by a recognised laboratory. There are only a handful of these in the world.

Some of the most common ones I have listed below. This is a laboratory, not simply a valuation. Only a laboratory can recognise a synthetic diamond. If you are considering purchasing a diamond certified by a laboratory not listed below then take great care. I am not saying that they are no good. In Australia for instance there are two local laboratories, the DCLA Diamond Certification Laboratory of Australia and the ADGL Australian Diamond Grading Laboratory.

Both of these laboratories are recognised as legitimate and totally acceptable. If the laboratory is not on the list make sure you phone your local Gemmological Association and ask if the laboratory is legitimate. This local call could save you much heart ache. There are a few unscrupulous people currently providing completely bogus certificates.

People are easily tricked as the certificates look so official. The main laboratories are:- GIA, Gemological Institute of America, HRD, High Diamond Council of Antwerp, EGL, European Gemological Laboratory, IGI, International Gemmological Institute AGS or AGSL, American Gem Society Laboratory Step Three - Check yellow pages or phone enquiries and confirm your order using this listed phone number. There is always the unlikely chance someone has copied the website and is tricking you to pay for the diamond into their account. Step Four - Make sure the certificate actually matches the diamond you have bought.

A qualified jewelery valuer should be able to do this for you for a small charge. There have been instances where a genuine certificate has been fraudulently copied and supplied along with lower grade diamonds. If you follow these four simple steps you should be able to purchase the diamond of your dreams for the best possible price with complete confidence.

Linda is a Qualified Jeweler, Gemologist and Jewelery Valuer with over 30years experience in the industry. Her website is This website should be visited by everyone with any intention of purchasing any diamond, anytime from anywhere.

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