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A shop vac can guarantee your health and safety

Alto Wap super quality (SQ10) shop vacuum cleaners are one model that has been highly rated for its ability to remove fine lead-bearing particles from workspaces. Roland Johnson in Tauton Press's 2005 Tool Guide, as well as Fine Woodworking's special issue on Shop Vacuums consider the Alto Wap SQ10 to be exceptional at cleaning up sheetrock and other forms of extra-fine dust; the previous year's Tool Guide had also ranked the Alto Wap SQ10 highly for its auto-start and fine dust removal capabilities. The Alto Waq SQ10 is equipped with a HEPA, a high efficiency particulate air filter. Another manufacturer's offering, the Nilfisk GS80 shop vacuum cleaner, can be upgraded with a HEPA filter. The US Department of Homing and Urban Development has recommended this model to collect lead-contaminated house dust, leading to the observation that soiled upholstery may be as significant a source of lead exposure for children as carpets.

This is a vacuum cleaner that can significantly influence the health and safety of those in the environment no matter the cost. The same manufacturer offers a specific appliance equipped with a HEPA filter for those who are chemically sensitive or suffer from allergens. The Nilfisk GS90 was tested with three other models of conventional upright vacuum cleaners and standard vacuum cleaner bags. All test homes were vacuumed with each cleaner for a quarter hour, then the air was sampled, and the weight of retrieved dust was recorded. The Nilfisk GS90 produced lower concentrations of airborne allergens compared with conventional vacuum cleaners.

For more vacuum cleaner comparisons, please visit:

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